NAHJ Elections Hub
The 2020 Elections Committee and the Advisory Committee to the 2020 Election are happy to announce that this year we had tremendous interest and participation from our members during this election.
Following several years of uncontested races, this year we will have 7 contested races.
Check out the 2020 candidates and the proposed bylaws amendments.
[Click here to vote] – only NAHJ Members in good standing by the day in record (July 30th) are eligible to vote (That means you must have paid your dues by this date to vote!). All eligible voters were emailed with their username (first name) and password (member ID#). Eligible members are able to get their member ID by login into their NAHJ account here.
Here is the 2020 election ballot: President: Nancy San Martín and Nora Lopez Financial Officer: Keldy Ortiz and Diana Fuentes VP for Print: Arelis R. Hernández VP for Broadcast: Fin Gómez and Julio-César Chávez VP for Digital: Yvette Cabrera Spanish Language At-Large: Jennifer A. Marcial Ocasio, Rafael Mejía and Sal Morales For Academic At-Large: Jessica Retis Secretary: Blanca Rios and Rafael Olmeda General At-Large Officer: Mc Nelly Torres and Steve Soliz Student Representative: Kate Sequeira, Luis Joel Méndez González and Kimberly Cruz
You can watch the candidate forum here. We invite our NAHJ members to be part of the elections process and vote the week of Sept. 28 - Oct. 2.
Here are the NAHJ Elections Frequently Asked Questions.
2020 NAHJ Elections Timeline:
- Monday, July 13: Call for nominations and call for candidates.
- Thursday, July 30: The date of record.
Members must be in good standing by this date to be eligible to vote (That means you must pay your dues by this date to vote!). Click here to renew your dues.
- Wednesday, August 12: Deadline to receive nominations. Candidates send in their materials.
- August 13-31: Vetting period. To be completed by the Elections Committee.
- Friday, August 28: Deadline to qualify for the ballot.
- Monday, August 31: NAHJ announces candidates.
- Monday, August 31 to Sunday, September 27: Campaign period.
- Monday, September 28: Election begins. Polls are open for one week.
- Friday, October 2: Elections close at 8 p.m. EST
- Friday, October 2, 9:00 p.m EST: NAHJ announces winners.
To read the full guidelines about NAHJ’s election process, you can follow this link.
A special thanks to the Advisory Committee for the 2020 Elections: Brandon Benavides, Cindy Rodriguez, Michelle Faust Ravaghan, Melanie Gonzalez and Tomas Harmon.
They helped support and guide the process, and incorporate tools to inform our members about the elections, including the online portal, 2020 Elections Hub, and Elections Q&A.
We also want to thank Yaneth Guillen, who helped us set up an electronic system to submit nomination signatures which helped streamline the process and spur participation from our members across the country.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the 2020 elections -- we want to hear from you! Please email [email protected].
The 2020 Election Committee: Financial Officer Geraldine Cols Azócar, Region 3 Director Melissa Macaya and Region 8 Director Cristy Fajardo.
The 2020 Election Advisory Committee*: Cindy E. Rodríguez, Court Passant, Michelle Faust Raghavan, Tomás Harmon, Wil Cruz, Melanie Gonzalez and Brandon Benavides. *The 2020 Election Advisory Committee was created by the Board of Directors on July 3, 2020 to support the activities of the Election Committee. Per NAHJ bylaw 9.2, “The Board of Directors may create one or more advisory committees whose members need not be directors. Advisory committees are not Board Committees and shall not exercise any of the powers of the Board.”