NAHJ has created this Elections Hub landing page as part of our commitment to remain transparent about the election process. This page contains important information for members about the 2024 NAHJ elections.
The 2024 NAHJ National Board elections will take place between June 29, 2024 and July 13, 2024.
Each National Board Officer shall be elected by a vote of the Regular and Academic Member and shall serve a two-year term.
You can view the elections guidelines here and FAQ's here.
This year we will be electing 9 national board officers positions and a student representative:
National Board Officers:
Student Representative:
Candidates must have a paid student membership, and must have demonstrated an interest in broadcast, print or new media journalism, including taking media-related classes or working for a student media outlet. They must gather 25 signatures of student members with a current, paid membership and be a FULL-TIME student at a recognized and accredited college or university. Moreover, the student must REMAIN a full-time student at a recognized and accredited college throughout his/her tenure. The student membership must be active on May 13th to qualify for the ballot. The student representative serves a one-year term.
NAHJ members are able to nominate candidates for the following positions
The President shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, generally supervise, direct, and control the business and the officers of the corporation. They shall preside at all meetings of the members and at all meetings of the Board of Directors. They shall have such powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or the bylaws.
Note: A candidate is only eligible to run for president if they have previously served on the board.
Vice President for Print; Vice President for Broadcast; Vice President for Digital
In the absence or disability of the president, the Vice Presidents shall perform all the duties of the president, and when so acting shall have all the powers of, and be subject to all the restrictions upon, the president. The vice president receiving the most votes from the general membership during the most recent election shall be the first to succeed the president in case of absence or vacancy. The vice presidents shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time-to-time may be prescribed for them, respectively, by the Board of Directors. |
Financial Officer
The Financial Officer shall keep and maintain the organization's accounts, including its assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses, capital, retained earnings, and other matters customarily included in financial statements; shall be responsible for depositing and disbursing the organization's money and valuables; shall keep a record of all of their transactions as financial officer and of the financial condition of the corporation; and shall have other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or the bylaws. |
The Secretary shall keep and maintain the minutes of all the meetings and actions of directors, the names of those present at such meetings, the number of members present or represented at members’ meetings, and the proceedings of such meetings; shall keep a record of the corporation’s members, showing the names of all members, their addresses, and the class of membership held by each; and shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or the bylaws.
Spanish Language At-Large Officer
The Spanish Language At-Large Officer is the board's liaison for members who work for Spanish language media outlets, or who write or communicate primarily in Spanish. They shall keep abreast of the concerns and activities of those members, and advice on programming and other courses of action. |
Academic At-Large Officer
The Academic At-Large officer is the board's liaison for academic members teach at institutes of higher education. They shall keep abreast of the concerns and activities of those members, and advice on programming and other courses of action.
General At-Large Officer
The General At-Large Officer is the board's liaison for NAHJ's general membership. They shall keep abreast of the concerns and activities of the general membership, and advice on programming and other courses of action. |
Student Representative
The Student Representative is the board liaison for NAHJ's student members. They should keep abreast of student member concerns and activities and relay them to the board, and advice on programming for student members and other courses of action. |
Tuesday, May 7: Call for nominations.
Tuesday, May 14: The date of record. Members must be in good standing by this date to be eligible to vote. Click here to renew your dues.
Friday, May 31st: Last day to submit nominations & Deadline to qualify for the ballot.
Saturday, June 1 to June 8: Vetting period conducted by the Elections Committee.
Tuesday, June 11: NAHJ announces candidates.
Tuesday, June 11 to June 13: Campaign period.
Friday, June 14: Candidates first 250-word campaign message is due to the elections committee.
Tuesday, June 18- Friday, June 21: Candidates’ messages will be emailed to current members by NAHJ.
Wednesday, June 26: Virtual candidate forum at 7 p.m. ET (If candidates absolutely cannot attend the forum, they may submit a 2-min video at least 24 hours in advance.)
Friday, June 28: Candidates second campaign message is due to the elections committee.
Saturday, June 29: Election begins. Polls are open for two weeks.
Wednesday, July 3-6: Candidates second message will be emailed to current members by NAHJ.
Saturday, July 13: Elections close at 5:00 p.m. PST. NAHJ will announce winners during the annual convention's Hall of Fame Gala.
Sunday, July 14: Board Meeting at the 40th Anniversary Conference. All members of the new board must attend this board meeting from 9am-1pm PST.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the 2024 elections -- we want to hear from you! Please email [email protected].
The 2024 Election Committee:
NAHJ & tech support contacts: [email protected] - NAHJ membership & training services [email protected] - Media inquiries
 NAHJ Member Services #NAHJtraining | #MoreLatinosinNews